Lisa Hort @ Unique Collaborations




Unique Collaborations | Unique Collaborations

Unique Collaborations builds relationships with clients, their families, stakeholders, and the extended broader community through creative community engagement. Unique Collaborations is an inclusive, creative practice that challenges preconceived ideas about who an artist is. We feel that it is essential to form strong supportive connections that invoke trust and empowerment thus helping to deflect the isolation that is often felt by those living with disabilities and memory loss. Most importantly Unique Collaborations creates supportive connections in ways that improve the quality of life for all. Our creative programs enrich the lives of the individual and people living with a memory loss by using creativity to engage individuals in imaginative projects and meaningful activities, offering valuable engagement and active participation, leading to client’s having increased self-esteem, wellbeing, agency and importantly enjoyment. Founder of Unique Collaborations, Lisa Hort’s unique creative programs are inclusive to all, socially engaging, confidence building, stimulating and fun. Lisa has an innate gift of being able to instinctively connect with all and making them feel both valued and treasured.